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Principles and practices of peace education
Principles and practices of peace education

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2.3 Evaluating peace resources

As you saw in Session 5, care must be taken when evaluating resources for your peace curriculum. When using resources from external organisations in your peace curriculum, you might consider...

Does this resource:

  • address the current needs of our educational setting?
  • support the commitments of peace education?
  • promise to inspire educationally productive queries and exchanges?
  • offer balanced and impartial information?
  • offer a good balance of activities that allow for a range of teaching approaches and opportunities (reflective/dialogic/fun/participatory)?

When thinking about seeking training or a service to help you develop as a peace school, you might ask:

  • Are we ready for this training/service?
  • Is there any groundwork we need to do before engaging with this training or service?
  • How will we follow up the training, ensuring everyone feels supported and included in implementing the new initiative?

Whatever resources you draw on to support your peace journey, remember to take it at a pace that allows all members of the school community to feel involved and empowered.