Course resources and recommendations
Session 1
Peace Education Network [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] (Group of organisations working for peace from a range of perspectives. The network has produced Teach Peace Resources for Primary and Secondary schools.)
Session 2
Peace Week pack (Resources for primary and secondary schools to run their own peace weeks. They include a staff training session as well as activities for different age groups.)
Session 3
Circle Time Resources – Toolkit for Peace: Approaches and Games (Peacemakers resources for primary school circle sessions.)
Circle Time Resources – Warm Up Activities (Suggested activities from Oxford Health NHS Trust.)
Managing Conflict (Resources for Save the Children to help children and young people develop skills in managing conflict.)
Session 4
Restorative Schools (Information on restorative schools from the European Forum for Restorative Justice.)
Schools of Sanctuary (For Primary and Secondary Schools wishing to understand and support children and young people who are forced to flee their homes.)
Peace Schools Wales (Peace Schools initiative run for schools and settings by the Welsh Centre for International Schools. It offers resources, training and conferences and runs a schools accreditation programme.)
The Welsh Centre for International Affairs (A resource pack for teachers working with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal for Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.)
CRESST (Conflict Resolution for Young People by Young People) (Resources for Primary and Secondary schools in conflict resolution, especially peer mediation. This organisation runs conferences and training for staff and pupils.)
Scottish Peer Mediation (Has a section for working with young people that offers training and resources.)
UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools (UK website of the UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools initiative. It runs a well established award scheme for schools and offers training, resources and accreditation.)
Session 5
Development Education Centre South Yorkshire (DECSY) (Educational organisation that promotes Global Learning. Includes training, resources and links to Philosophy for Children (see Session 6 links, below.))
Websites recommending books for classroom use: Amnesty International (A range of books and suggested activities for teaching about human rights.); The BookTrust themed booklist (Booklists addressing themes for exploration by children and young people including refugees and asylum seekers.); Centre for Literacy in Primary Education (A London-based organisation for primary schools that publishes the annual Reflecting Realities report into diversity in children’s books.)
Using stories for global issues (West of Scotland Development Education Centre. Educational organisation creating resources for global citizenship. The centre worked with Oakgrove Primary School on their Wangari’s Trees of Peace project.)
Session 6
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: fast facts; goals; sustainable development
Oxfam (Oxfam has an education section with resources for educational settings.)
International Development Education Association Scotland (IDEAS) (Classroom resources on themes such as human rights, slavery, justice and equity and sustainable development for primary and secondary education.)
Facing History and Ourselves (Resources for taking a critical approach to teaching history. Includes lesson plans and articles.)
Philosophy for Children (Teaching approach that develops skills including critical thinking and evaluation.)
Peaceful School Awards (Free scheme for accrediting schools as Peaceful Schemes. Their website offers resources and guidance.)
West Midlands Peacemakers (West Midlands Quaker Peace Education Project or Peacemakers offer training and resources for teaching peace and developing restorative practice. Areas covered include curriculum development and peer mediation. Resources include a starter pack for schools setting out on their peace journey – they carry out lots of whole school restorative work.)
Global Campaign for Peace Education (A global movement of individual peace educators and education NGOs committed to fostering cultures of peace through peace education.)