Course further reading
General peace
- An introduction to the theories and practices of peace education:
Cremin, H. and Bevington, T. (2017) Positive peace in schools: tacking conflict and creating a culture of peace in the classroom. London: Routledge.
- A useful book for middle to senior school managers with chapters written by many leading figures in education and peace about their experiences building peace in schools:
Lubelska, A. (ed) (2018) How to Be a Peaceful School: Practical Ideas, Stories and Inspiration. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
- School level book from West Midlands Quaker Peace Education project. Includes a toolkit of activities, a whole school curriculum for peace for the primary age range and activities for five layers of peace:
Zammit, J. & Hagel, S. (2016) ‘Learning for peace: a guide to developing outstanding SMSC in your primary school’, Peacemakers. Lifeworlds Learning.
Using stories for peace education
- An anthology that supports pedagogy for teachers within in-service education.
Karlsen, K.H and Häggström, M (2020) Teaching through Stories: Renewing the Scottish Storyline Approach in Teacher Education. Available at: (Accessed 18 November 2024).