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Managing my money
Managing my money

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4.2.4 The credit scoring game

Figure 9 Bill, Dave, Jo and Rajeev

Take a look at the credit profiles of Bill, Dave, Jo and Rajeev below. Who has the best credit score and who has the worst? Can you place them in their credit score order and explain your reasoning?

Table 1
AgeHow old are you?20193940
EmploymentHow would you describe your work?Semi-skilledUnskilledProfessionalSkilled
How long in current employment?2 yearsNot employed5 years19 years
Marital statusSingle/married/separated/divorced/widowed?SingleSeparatedMarriedMarried
ChildrenHow many?No children1 childNo children1 child
Bank accountDo you have one?YesYesYesYes
Credit cardDo you have one?YesNoYesYes
Housing statusHome owner or tenant?Furnished tenantFurnished tenantFurnished tenantOwner-occupier
How long at your current address?2 years1 year2 years4 years