Week 8: Communicating with data
At the end of last week you looked at one way of communicating with data, the use of tables. This week this theme will be continued by taking a look at graphs and charts. These give us a means of displaying data visually, and as the saying goes, ‘a picture paints a thousand words’! So, graphs and charts can be a very useful way of presenting data clearly and at the same time showing any possible patterns. You’ll be considering how to present and interpret graphs and charts, as well as the care that needs to be taken when doing this to ensure that you are really being presented with the full picture.
In the following video Maria introduces Week 8, the final week of the course, and the final quiz for your badge:

After this week’s study, you should be able to:
- read and construct line graphs to display information
- read and construct bar charts to display information
- read and construct pie charts to display information
- critically interpret graphs and charts.