10 Summary
Hopefully this week has helped you to rekindle some excitement about the possibilities in your work life. You may be seeing ways to bring more of your interests to your existing work, or new opportunities you might like to consider further. You might also be feeling a little unsettled. This is natural whenever you begin to examine your past choices and consider ‘what next?’ For now, feel proud that you have taken the first steps towards creating a career path in which you can be successful and happy.
Next week you are going to consider the skills and knowledge that you already have, and how you can use these or build on them further, to help you achieve any aspirations you have identified this week.
You should now feel that you can:
- start to understand the careers planning process
- know what you value about work
- understand the route you have taken in your work-life so far
- recognise what interests and passions you have
- start to identify possible career options open to you.
You can now go to Week 2 [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .