Week 6: Investment and human behaviour
Welcome to the final week of Managing my investments. Watch the video to hear Martin Upton introduce this week’s topics.
In this week, you’ll focus on how aspects of human behaviour can affect out financial decision-making including decisions about investing. These behavioural traits can threaten to undermine the rational and systematic approach to investment decision-making set out in the four stage investment planning model that we have been using during this course.
While much of the content of this week relates to professional investors, the behavioural biases explored apply equally outside the business world and can affect the way we go about investing – with potentially adverse consequences. The message is clear – understand your bad habits when it comes to finances and avoid them when managing your investments!
You then have one last look at the shares you have been following and the gilt yield curve. You can, of course, continue to follow these prices and yields after the course has finished armed with the knowledge you have gained from Managing my investments.
The course finishes with an extended quiz covering not only this week but the earlier weeks of the course.