2.1 Basic functions of the virtual microscope
The following video shows you the basic functions of the virtual microscope that you will use throughout this course. It demonstrates the processes of stage movement, focusing, illumination and the use of different objectives (the parts of the microscope that focus the light into an image at a given magnification).
NARRATOR: In this video, I will show you how to use the virtual microscope to look at different tissues. The microscope emulates many of the functions of a conventional light microscope, including the ability to select different slides, you can also change objectives, which alters the magnification of the section, you can focus the image and adjust the level of illumination, and there are a variety of other features that are found on a real microscope, which we will introduce later on. But the most useful feature of this virtual microscope is the descriptions of the tissues and diseases which are presented alongside the images. Clicking on highlighted items in the description will take you directly to what you're looking for. This is like having an instructor just over your shoulder.
In the next section you will have your first opportunity to use the virtual microscope for yourself.