2.7 Normal tissues
You have nearly reached the end of this week, and this is a good opportunity to try to apply some of the things you’ve learned about observation and the structure–function relationship that exists in tissues.
Activity 7
Open the virtual microscope [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] in a new window or tab. Use the slides from the course so far to consider the following questions and make notes.
1. What differences can you see between the two sections of breast tissue in Slides 2 and 3 from the ‘Week 3’ collection? How do these differences relate to the function of the tissue?
2. What differences are there between the types of skin shown in Slides 1 and 2 from the ‘Week 2’ collection? How might this relate to the functions of different areas of the skin?
3. What other types of skin are seen on the body? If you look at an area of skin on your forearm, does it all appear uniform? Would you consider a mole (nevus) to be a normal area of skin?