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Forensic psychology
Forensic psychology

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2 DI Bullet takes witness statements

Figure 5

In the next activity you will listen to an audio recording of the initial statement taken by DI Bullet. As you listen to it, make a note of any evidence about the crime that you think might be useful in solving it. Remember, try to evaluate what you hear in terms of what you have learned about eyewitness memory.

Activity 1 DI Bullet: initial statements

Timing: Allow about 30 minutes

DI Bullet knows that time is of the essence, particularly in a case that involves kidnapping, and that getting information out to all the officers in the area is of paramount importance. To save time, he therefore decides to talk to the two witnesses together.

Listen to the audio recording as many times as you like and note down the evidence you think is revealed.

Download this audio clip.Audio player: ou_futurelearn_psychology_aud_1034.mp3
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The initial statements from Lila and Seth revealed a wealth of information about the events of the crime and also about the perpetrators. How did you get on noting down potential evidence?

Figure 6