1.3 Why should we support film?
This video clip features Ben Roberts, who is responsible for the Film Fund at the BFI. Ben discusses the BFI's support for film in the UK.
While you watch the clip, consider the notion of the cultural value of film. How much consideration should this value be given across the wider film industry? Should this be a factor when making decisions and taking action, and if so, how should this be done?
Depending on your particular knowledge and experiences, you may want to think about how this compares to other countries or other creative industries.

Transcript: Video 2 Ben Roberts, BFI Film Fund
Ben describes one example of how public money is used to support film in the UK. If you’re not in the UK, it’s more than likely that the country where you work or live will have such policies too. Many governments all over the world operate a mix of public funding and incentives designed to promote film. This topic will be explored in further detail later in the course during Week 4, which looks at how films are financed.