2.5 Money upfront: ‘pre-pre-production’
Before you even approach potential financiers to make your film, it is necessary to spend money. In addition to the costs of writers and other script development costs, you have to create your schedule and budget. These are critically important documents to plan and finance your film.
In this video, Ollie Madden talks about some of the activities in this stage of his film’s development.

Transcript: Video 5 Ollie Madden talks about pre-pre-production
Ollie was fortunate that the pre-pre-production stage of his film was funded by his own company, Shine Pictures, parent company of the television production company behind the original TV show, Kudos. However, funding this important part of the process can often be quite problematic. As you will learn, films are often financed by a number of different parties. If one party funds pre-prep before all the financing arrangements have been contracted, that party is taking a risk that the financing might not close and the film might not happen at all, in which case their pre-prep investment would be wasted.
Nevertheless, some parties are prepared to finance pre-prep costs if they are committed to the film. In particular, the two UK broadcasters active in film – BBC Films and Film4 – will sometimes provide support for this stage.