Week 6: What do people eat?
Welcome to Week 6 of the course.
Last week you looked at how much energy food contains and the reference values for different components of food. This week, you will consider how all of this fits together as part of a balanced eating pattern.
By the end of this week’s study you will be able to understand:
- the Eatwell Guide and dietary approaches in different countries
- vegetarian and vegan diets
- the meaning of malnutrition
- how to measure obesity.
To start you thinking, here are some questions.
- What do you already know about what a balanced eating pattern may mean?
- What healthy eating advice have you heard or seen?
- Do you think that what is portrayed in the media helps with understanding?
In the following video Audrey Brown from The Open University finds out whether some members of staff at the University think they are eating a healthy and balanced diet.