Who is this course for?
This badged course is open to all and can be studied on its own as a standalone course, but it has also been designed to sit alongside and feed into a postgraduate 60-credit masters (level 7) accredited module – EE830 Learning and teaching: educating the next generation. If you are participating in this way, please read the guidance below.
If you are interested in finding out more about the Masters in Education, we recommend you first consult the webpages at: http://www.open.ac.uk/ postgraduate/ qualifications/ f70 [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)]
If you have general enquiries about registering on the programme please email: https://www.open.ac.uk/ contact or phone: 0300 303 5303. If you have specific queries and would like to speak to a member of the academic team please email: wels-ecys-masters@open.ac.uk
Regardless of whether you study this course on its own or as part of the masters course, you will be eligible for an Open University badge if you complete enough of the activities.
Studying this course alongside the EE830 masters module
Students who intend to study the 60-credit masters module EE830 Learning and teaching: educating the next generation will be expected to study this badged course to feed into their first assessment.
EE830 Learning and teaching: educating the next generation is the first part of the Learning and Teaching MA/MEd pathway, which also includes a 60-credit taught module (EE831 Understanding your educational practice) and a 60-credit dissertation module (E822). It will run with an October start each year from October 2018.
Students registered for the EE830 masters module will receive tutorial support and access to a range of resources and tools. This will include support for developing critical engagement with ideas and information, reflecting on learning (including its professional application) and the collaborative co-creation of knowledge between participants on the course. This will allow students to take the discussions about the possible purposes of education from this course and extend and apply them towards articulating a personal vision for education.
The badge that is awarded for successful participation in this free online course is accepted as part of the first assessment on the masters module – even if this was completed prior to starting the masters course. In that case we encourage students registered with the module to re-engage with the activities in this course nearer the time, so they can refamiliarise themselves with the ideas here and benefit from participating in discussions with a new group of peers.