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Teaching and learning tricky topics
Teaching and learning tricky topics

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2.1 Word wheel

Described image
Figure 4 Word wheel

Now look at this word wheel [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] (right-click on this link to access the wheel in a new tab or window). The word wheel is part of the OU’s free Open Educational Resources. It has three toggles on the outside of the wheel allowing the user to move wheels to reveal different words in three windows, level 1 controlling the central window, level 2 the middle window and level 3 the outer window. The user can build up a set of three words. The language used in this word wheel was derived from the feedback provided by Open University students during 2014 and 2015, so it provides a set of authentic student language showing what students value in their learning. Using these words enables the OU to design an approach for our materials and to think about how to target our planning. Refer to Activity 1 in Week 2 for a reminder of the needs analysis process.

Alternatively, here is a table which shows the sets of words in a more static format:

Table 1 Table of contents from the word wheel
Toggle 1Innovative
Toggle 2DifferentAmazingInteractive
Toggle 3DistinctiveExtraordinaryCollaborative
Toggle 1Demanding
Toggle 2AmbitiousComplexChallenging
Toggle 3EnterprisingInvolvedThought-provoking
Toggle 1Professional
Toggle 2SkillsIndependentPractical
Toggle 3AbilitySelf-sufficientPragmatic
Toggle 1Supportive
Toggle 2EffectiveRewardingConfidence
Toggle 3RelevantWorthwhileEncouragement