Week 3: Personal branding explained
Welcome to Week 3 of the course.
Last week you were introduced to the processes and practices behind branding a product or organisation, and you started to consider how they might be applied in a personal branding context.
This week, you’ll look at personal branding in more detail, exploring how and why it has developed and what can be learned from those who use their personal brand effectively, or not.
Watch this video to introduce the week:
Transcript: Video 1 Introduction to Week 3 (please note this video has no spoken audio)
Personal branding explained
Personal branding is still a relatively new concept.
In the 1990’s Tom Peters said ‘It’s this simple. You are a brand. You are in charge of your brand.’
The impact of social media on personal branding has been huge,
and you’ll explore that later in the course.
This week, you’ll focus on how a strong personal brand can make a difference in the workplace
and look at what you can learn from the way celebrities use and manipulate their brands.
You’ll also consider what happens when mistakes are made,
and how to avoid them happening to you.
Week 3, let’s get started!
By the end of this week, you will be able to:
- recognise how a clear personal brand can be beneficial to your career
- appreciate the ways that celebrity branding tactics might be used to your own advantage
- understand the value of developing an authentic brand.
You’ll start the week looking at how personal branding has developed.