Week 6: Promoting my brand online
Welcome to Week 6 of the course.
Last week you considered how the needs of employers, both now and in the future, might impact on your personal brand.
This week, you’ll focus on how to promote your brand online. You’ll look at social media and the platforms you could consider joining if you haven’t already, e.g. LinkedIn. Most commentators advise that you focus your attention on one platform to start with, as maintaining a profile across several networks takes a lot of time.
Watch this video that introduces the week:
Transcript: Video 1 Introduction to Week 6 (please note this video has no spoken audio)
Promoting my brand online
This week, you’ll start by investigating your current online brand
and you’ll look at how to tidy up your digital footprint if you need to.
You’ll focus on promoting your personal brand through popular social media platforms,
including LinkedIn and Facebook,
and you’ll explore how you can raise the profile of your online brand at work.
You’ll also look briefly at how your online profile can boost your business if you’re self-employed.
Week 6, let’s get started!
By the end of this week, you will be able to:
- identify any issues with your current online brand
- recognise how to promote your brand online
- describe how you might use various social media platforms to promote your brand.
You’ll start the week by considering your current online brand.