1 Cross-curricular projects
In Session 4, you heard children talking about homework. They said they would like to have homework that is fun and interesting. Children are very likely to say the same about their classroom learning.
In primary schools there is an emphasis on literacy (reading and writing) and numeracy (calculating and number work), but there is also an emphasis on cross-curricular thematic projects or ‘topic’ work, where children learn a number of different curriculum subjects under one theme.
You met teacher Sarah Johnson in Session 3. Watch her now as she talks about cross-curricular work and how she plans it. At the moment, she is teaching a wide range of subjects to 4 and 5 year old children, all linked to the story of Peter Pan.

Transcript: Video 1
Which curriculum subjects do you think children are learning in the Peter Pan topic and the trip to the sea life centre? Take a moment to jot these down, and then check your ideas with what Sarah says.

Transcript: Video 2
Were you surprised that when Sarah plans play and exploration activities for young children that she has curriculum subjects such as literacy and numeracy in mind, and that she blends different curriculum subjects into children’s play?
Sarah uses a couple of terms that you may not be familiar with:
- PSED stands for Personal, Social and Emotional Development.
- Julia Donaldson is a children’s author.