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Teaching mathematics
Teaching mathematics

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Further reading

This article on Manipulatives in the Primary Classroom by Jenni Back can be found on the NRich website here: 10461 [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)]
This research support provides further in-depth reading on how children learn number: sites/ default/ files/ P2.pdf
This is the reference for the article by Richard Skemp:
Skemp, R. (1973). ‘Relational versus instrumental understanding. Mathematics Teaching’, vol. 77, pp.20–26.
This link takes you to an nrich web page with different methods of multiplication demonstrated: 5612
This is the link to an nrich article on developing the conceptual understanding of division: 5450
The website has lots of articles and activities about place value:
A story about absolutely nothing: 5598
Arrange the digits: 1976