1.5 Practice getting data
Exercise 1 Getting data from API
In Exercise 1, identify a dataset from the Comtrade Data Extraction interface [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] selecting one or more commodity codes and a single reporter that are of interest to you and import the data into pandas.
Open the exercise notebook 4 and save it in the disk folder or the CoCalc project you created in Week 1. You should also open the comtrade_pivot.html comtrade_milk_uk_monthly_14.csv files and save them into the same folder or project.
Remember to run the existing code in the notebook before you start the exercise. When you’ve completed the exercise, save the notebook. If you need a quick reminder of how to use Jupyter watch again the video in Week 1 Exercise 1.
For the commodities and reporter you chose, find out which countries are the biggest partners in recent years in terms of import and export trade flows.