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Learn to code for data analysis
Learn to code for data analysis

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Week 7: Further techniques Part 1


Welcome to Week 7

Please note: in the following video, where reference is made to a study ‘week’, this corresponds to Weeks 7 and 8 of this course.

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In Week 6 you saw how to merge two datasets containing a common column to create a single, combined dataset. Combining datasets allows us to make comparisons across datasets, as you discovered when looking for correlations between GDP and life expectancy.

This week, you’ll learn how to go the other way, separating out distinct ‘subsets’ or groups of data, before summarising them individually.

As well as splitting out different groups of data, row and column values can be rearranged to reshape a dataset and allow the creation of a wide range of pivot table style reports from a single data table.

In this week’s exercises, you’ll learn how a single line of code can be used to generate a wide variety of pivot table style reports of your own.