1 What is sport injury?
Before you begin to investigate the psychological aspects, let’s first explore more about sport injury. As its name suggests a sport injury refers to an injury that is sustained during – or as a result of – sport or physical activity. It is important to note that throughout the course we use the term ‘sport injury’ to refer to injuries sustained in both sport and exercise settings. There are various types of sport injury, which can broadly be split into ‘acute’ and ‘chronic’ injuries. The next activity explains what these are.
Activity 1 Types of sport injury
Watch Video 1 below and then read the ‘Introduction’ section of the article Sports Injuries [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] to explore some of the causes and types of sport injury. (You can open the link in a new tab by holding down Ctrl [or Cmd on a Mac] when you click the link.)
Transcript: Video 1
Now match each of the terms below with the appropriate definition.
Using the following two lists, match each numbered item with the correct letter.
An individual suffers a broken leg as a result of a tackle during a football match
An individual suffers a stress fracture after increasing their mileage
a.Acute injury
b.Chronic injury
- 1 = a
- 2 = b
There are several sport injuries that can be experienced by a sport or exercise participant, but they can all be classified as either acute or chronic. An acute injury is one that develops as a result of a sudden impact, whilst a chronic injury develops over time. Both acute and chronic injuries can be linked with psychological factors as we will explore in this session and throughout this course.