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Using angles in pie charts

In the example above, we used the fact that ¼ of the pie represented the number of people for whom guitar was their first instrument. But it would have been more difficult to give an accurate answer if the question had asked about the number of people whose first instrument was drums.

Since pie charts use sectors of circles, we can relate the proportions of the circle, in degrees, to the proportion of the sample and use this to find out how much each sector represents (Figure 23).

Described image
Figure _unit9.3.7 Figure 23 A pie chart showing the angles for each sector

We need some more information, either the total number of participants in this survey or the value for one of the categories.

There were 48 participants in this survey. We can now calculate how many people each of the sectors of the pie chart represent.

Table _unit9.3.1 Table 11 Instrument, angle and frequency
Instrument Angle   Frequency
Guitar 90° 90/360 × 48 = 12
Trumpet 15° 15/360 × 48 = 2
Drums 60° 60/360 × 48 = 8
Flute 45° 45/360 × 48 = 6
Piano 150° 150/360 × 48 = 20

To check for accuracy, it is important first to check that the angles sum to 360° and, second, that the total frequency sums to what you expect, in this case to 48.