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Caring for adults
Caring for adults

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Before you begin

Spend a few moments thinking about your current learning needs and opportunities by doing Activity 1 below.

Activity 1

Timing: Allow about 15 minutes

Below is a short questionnaire to get you thinking about:

  • What are your current priorities for learning?
  • How does studying a short online course fit into your everyday lifestyle?
  • What goals are you hoping to achieve by studying this course?

Considering noting down your responses to the questionnaire somewhere (in a notepad, or a Word document, etc.) so you can return to them later.

Questionnaire about your learning

Rate your answers to these questions on a scale of 1–5:

1 = never; 2 = once or twice; 3 = sometimes; 4 = many times; 5 = very often or always

Think about your daily context or situation (either at work or at home). How often do you feel that you have the following opportunities?

  1. I can choose how I spend my day (e.g. which activities to carry out)
  2. My current or future plans require me to learn new things
  3. My current or future plans require me to be creative
  4. I have opportunities to develop my own special abilities
  5. My current or future plans for activities require a high level of skill
  6. I can vary the activities I do every day

In terms of your current context, how true are the following statements to you?

  1. I think I will be able to use what I learn in the future
  2. I meet the goals that I set for myself in life
  3. Learning that I carry out in my everyday life is important to me
  4. I feel prepared for most of the demands I face every day
  5. I try to identify others whom I can ask for help if I need it
  6. Whatever comes my way I can usually handle it
  7. I prefer activities that arouse my curiosity, even if I need to learn other things to carry them out
  8. I try to understand how what I have learned impacts upon what I do in my life
  9. I ask myself if there were other ways to do things after I finish an activity
  10. It is important for me to learn new things
  11. I can remain calm when facing difficulties because I can rely on my abilities
  12. I often think about how my learning fits into the ‘bigger picture’ of my life
  13. I consider how what I’ve learned relates to other people in my life
  14. My past experiences have prepared me well for my future activities
  15. When confronted with a problem I can usually find several solutions
  16. When I do not understand something, I ask others for help
  17. I think about what I have learned after I finish
  18. I ask others for more information when I need it
Questionnaire adapted from the Self-Regulated Learning at Work Questionnaire, Fontana, R.P., Milligan, C., Littlejohn, A. and Margaryan, A. (2015) ‘Measuring self-regulated learning in the workplace’, International Journal of Training and Development, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 32–52.

At the end of this course, try to find some time to reflect upon your initial thoughts here. You might find it interesting to review how this course has influenced your current perceptions, and how you might be able to draw upon your knowledge in your future plans.

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