This free course was written by Martin Upton in collaboration with Money Saving Expert. It was first published in May 2020 and last updated April 2024.
This course was created by The Open University with contributions and collaboration from The content unless otherwise stated in the course or in the acknowledgements below (or identifiable as third party content in the course) is owned and/or controlled by The Open University and/or and is made available subject to the Creative Commons 4.0 licence: licenses/ by-nc-nd/ 4.0/ [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] :
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Grateful acknowledgement is made to the following which is not subject to Creative Commons licensing unless stated as such.
Course image: The Open University
Figure 1: 1000 Words/Shutterstock
Figure 2: dizain/Shutterstock
Figure 3: The Open University
Figure 4: spectrumblue/shutterstock
Figure 5: Gutesa/
Figure 6: designer491/Shutterstock
Figure 7: Drawing: The Open University, background Pexels
Figure 8: © Council of Mortgage Lenders (CML) (2017b) ‘Mortgage arears fell in third quarter’ news/ press-releases/ mortgage-arrears-fell-in-third-quarter/
Figure 9: adapted from Nationwide Building Society (2022) ‘UK House Prices Adjusted for Inflation’ resources/ f/ uk-data-series © Nationwide Building Society
Audio Visual
Video 1: Introduction to Session 4 by Martin Lewis: ©MoneySavingExpert
Video 2: Understanding Mortgages animation: ©MoneySavingExpert
Audio 1: Mortgage choices: ©The Open University
Every effort has been made to contact copyright owners. If any have been inadvertently overlooked, the publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity.
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