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Hybrid working: wellbeing and inclusion
Hybrid working: wellbeing and inclusion

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8.3 Benefits and costs of inclusion, equality and equity

Why is inclusion of benefit to your organisation? According to Inclusive Employers:

All evidence proves that organisations focused on building a more inclusive culture attract and retain a wider diversity of talent.

The inclusive culture then empowers diverse talent to think differently and share their experiences and perspectives, which in turn is a key driver for innovation, development and engagement.

(Inclusive Employers, 2022)

Meanwhile, the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) stated:

When an organisation supports the principle of equal opportunities for all, employees can rest assured that they will not be discriminated against in the workplace. Employees are more committed to working hard when they know that they have equal opportunities for advancement and there are no barriers to job progression.

Also, knowing that they are evaluated solely on their on-the-job performance and measurable merits empowers employees and encourages them to do their best.

(EOC, 2022)