6 Inclusion
Let’s start with a quotation from Inclusive Employers, a membership organisation founded in 2011 for employers who are committed to prioritising inclusion and creating truly inclusive workplaces.
Inclusion is a broad subject and is a term that trips of the tongue of many. However, people have different understandings of what the word means. … Many people use the words inclusion, diversity and even equality interchangeably. … At Inclusive Employers, we focus on workplace inclusion. For us, inclusion is an overarching culture encompassing diversity, equality, and many other aspects of our working lives.
This course has similarly taken the approach that diversity and equality sit under the umbrella of inclusion. This includes accessibility and digital inclusion, which are increasingly important topics thanks to the ‘hybridisation’ of higher education workplaces that was accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, and growing concerns about the digital divide.
In the video below, contributors share insights into considerations for digital inclusion.