1 Introducing technology, innovation and management
Many of us would probably accept that technological and organisational innovation is often something of a double-edged sword: as new developments occur they inevitably destabilise existing technological and organisational arrangements, and sometimes social and economic relations more broadly. One common result, for example – and one with which many of us are familiar – is what often seem to be endless cycles of organisational change, and the constant pursuit of technological ‘fixes’ that, if the claims made for them are to be believed, result in cheaper, more efficient and productive work processes.
Similarly, developments in information and communication technology (ICT) have transformed many aspects of the teaching and learning environment. Less than a decade ago you would have had to visit one of our offices to look through printed teaching materials that were the main medium we used. Since then we have moved to having materials online, and through the Open University’s OpenLearn website [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] , which allows free access to teaching material, you do not need to leave your home. This is, however, only a relatively limited example of this innovative approach to education which may, in time, signal ‘the end for the traditional university’. To learn more about the potential for developments of this kind read the news article from The Guardian.