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Grid List Results: 480 items
Sea level rise in Looe, Cornwall article icon

Nature & Environment

Sea level rise in Looe, Cornwall

What are the reasons for the sea level rises, what will the impacts be, how can it adapt and what is the future for the town?

5 mins
Sea level rise | International case studies article icon

Nature & Environment

Sea level rise | International case studies

Sea level rise will have effects around the globe, from large countries such as the USA to many smaller island nations. Below are some case studies on how these countries are coping.

5 mins
Citizen science and global biodiversity free course icon level 1: introductory icon Badge icon

Science, Maths & Technology

Citizen science and global biodiversity

This free course, Citizen science and global biodiversity, deals with the importance of biodiversity and explores how anyone can contribute to and be involved in identifying and recording wildlife, as a citizen scientist. It looks at what citizen science is, and how citizen science facilitates public involvement in scientific research ...

Free course
24 hrs
Climate Change Collection video icon

Nature & Environment

Climate Change Collection

Supporting Climate Learning Week with learning and teaching materials about climate change.

5 mins
Introducing Geography Matters article icon

Society, Politics & Law

Introducing Geography Matters

Geography Matters is a collection of content for anyone who wants to learn about Geography. You’ll find a range of varied materials, from discussions about Brexit, to our podcasts about urbanisation, environmentalism and globalisation.

10 mins
Environment: understanding atmospheric and ocean flows free course icon level 1: introductory icon

Nature & Environment

Environment: understanding atmospheric and ocean flows

What affects the atmospheric and ocean flows? This free course, Environment: understanding atmospheric and ocean flows, explores the mechanisms that are important; the most rapid carrier is the wind. The basic principle of global atmospheric circulation is simple: warm air rises and cold air sinks. How does this principle affect the ...

Free course
10 hrs
Environment: treading lightly on the Earth free course icon level 1: introductory icon

Nature & Environment

Environment: treading lightly on the Earth

Environment: treading lightly on the Earth focuses on the problem of greenhouse gas emissions, especially carbon dioxide. This free course will give you an understanding of the nature and importance of carbon footprints of individuals and households. It will enable you to measure your own carbon footprint and explore what you could do to reduce ...

Free course
15 hrs
The science of nuclear energy free course icon level 1: introductory icon

Science, Maths & Technology

The science of nuclear energy

This free course, The science of nuclear energy, will delve into the science behind nuclear power and explain what happens inside a nuclear reactor and what it means for an element to be radioactive. It will explore some of the risks of producing nuclear power and examine the arguments for and against including it in future energy planning as ...

Free course
12 hrs
Weather derivatives - the financialization of weather audio icon

Society, Politics & Law

Weather derivatives - the financialization of weather

Is it possible to manage the risks presented by nature, such as too much rain at the wrong time of the year and very harsh frosts?

10 mins
The European Union and the impact on mixed nationality relationships in northern Finland audio icon

Society, Politics & Law

The European Union and the impact on mixed nationality relationships in northern Finland

Carol Brown-Leonardi investigates how Britain’s exit from the European Union has affected the perceptions and decision-making of mixed nationality couples to stay and live permanently in Finland or the United Kingdom.

10 mins
Investigating environmental futures through speculative design article icon

Society, Politics & Law

Investigating environmental futures through speculative design

How can ‘thinking through making’ facilitate new kinds of geographical enquiry?

5 mins
Deep oceans can help us understand our climate article icon

Nature & Environment

Deep oceans can help us understand our climate

Carbon isotopes found in deep water fossils offer an insight into deep ocean circulation says PhD student, Andrew McIntyre. 

5 mins