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Grid List Results: 480 items
Why we’re mapping a million trees and more! article icon

Nature & Environment

Why we’re mapping a million trees and more!

Dr Phil Wheeler, Dr Nadia Dewhurst-Richman and Janice Ansine look at the benefits of trees, plus discuss the work of Treezilla.

10 mins
Is your wash day polluting the oceans? article icon

Nature & Environment

Is your wash day polluting the oceans?

Every time you wash your clothes, microfibres escape into the environment. And that, explains Dr Natalie Welden, is a huge threat to our oceans.

5 mins
Waste management and environmentalism in China free course icon level 1: introductory icon

Nature & Environment

Waste management and environmentalism in China

This free course, Waste management and environmentalism in China, is an introduction to waste generation and waste management processes currently being practiced in China. This course explores how the Chinese can deal with increasing volumes of waste, drawing parallels with the UK experience of waste management. It also discusses the conceptual ...

Free course
8 hrs
Cloning article icon

Nature & Environment


Is cloning going to affect our futures?

30 mins
The oceans free course icon level 2: intermediate icon

Science, Maths & Technology

The oceans

The oceans cover more than 70 per cent of our planet. In this free course, The oceans, you will learn about the depths of the oceans and the properties of the water that fills them, what drives the ocean circulation and how the oceans influence our climate.

Free course
15 hrs
Why do birds eat plastic? article icon

Nature & Environment

Why do birds eat plastic?

The photos of birds killed by bellies full of plastic waste are harrowing - but why do they eat the stuff in the first place? The OU's Miranda Dyson explains.

5 mins
How do ruminants digest? article icon

Science, Maths & Technology

How do ruminants digest?

A quick introduction to how ruminants break down the plant matter they eat - equally useful as a quick revision aid on ruminants.

5 mins
Human impacts on the lives of animals article icon

Nature & Environment

Human impacts on the lives of animals

Humans have destroyed or altered natural habitats, what impact has this had upon animals?

5 mins
Rough endoplasmic reticulum: The cell city's industrial park article icon

Nature & Environment

Rough endoplasmic reticulum: The cell city's industrial park

Why is a cell's rough endoplasmic reticulum similar to a city's industrial park?

5 mins
Cell membrane: The cell's city wall article icon

Nature & Environment

Cell membrane: The cell's city wall

Why is a cell's membrane similar to a city wall?

5 mins
Opening the wardrobe article icon

Money & Business

Opening the wardrobe

In November 2013, The Open University asked you to open your wardrobe and share your secrets with us in our wardrobe audit.

5 mins
Understanding water quality free course icon level 2: intermediate icon

Nature & Environment

Understanding water quality

Please note, this course was written in 2003/2004 therefore some of the information is now outdated.

Free course
10 hrs