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The environmental impact of teaching and learning
The environmental impact of teaching and learning

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In Part 4 you have examined the carbon-based environmental impacts associated with different systems and models of providing higher education teaching and learning. You have been able to consider the transformative effect of using ICTs in HE teaching and learning, and have been introduced to a classification of HE teaching models using various teaching delivery methods, including ICT-enhanced and online methods as well as traditional face-to-face teaching and distance teaching methods.

You have been introduced to the SusTEACH research findings on the carbon impacts of HE teaching models and learned about the factors that need to be considered when designing and developing more sustainable higher education teaching models.

You have been able to explore and use the SusTEACH Planning and Modelling Tools to assess the likely energy consumption and carbon impacts associated with the teaching model underpinning your work on courses and qualification programmes. You have been able to use these tools to consider how these impacts could be reduced with changes to the design of teaching and learning in your HE institution.