2.2 What you enjoy doing
Another aspect of finding out about yourself is to try and identify the kinds of things that you enjoy and are good at. One way of approaching this task is to identify and reflect upon your successes at work or outside work by completing a list of positive statements. However, in the spirit of reflective practice and learning from all experience there is also much to be gained from completing a companion list of negative statements.
Activity 6
Aim of this activity:
- to take stock of what you enjoy and what you don't enjoy.
Complete at least three positives and three negatives from the following statements. Try and include why you feel that way about the particular activity or event. An example might be:
I did well and am proud of my recent attempt at wallpapering. I hadn't attempted it before and was surprised at how well it turned out.
As you can see from this example, you don't need to limit yourself to work-related statements. Try and use a broad spread from across your day-to-day life.
Positive experience statements:
Negative experience statements:
For the purpose of evidence collection, take a screen shot of your complete statements and paste it into your learning log.
Don't be disheartened by the negative statements. You may even notice that you've already dealt with some of the experiences, and that reviewing them can be more positive and enjoyable.
Activity 7
Aim of this activity:
- to reflect on your answers to Activity 6.
Go back over your responses to Activity 6 and analyse your statements in a learning log post. Do you notice any trends in the types of experiences that were positive and those that were negative? What do you think these experiences can tell you about yourself and your abilities?