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Applying social work law to asylum and immigration
Applying social work law to asylum and immigration

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Aliens Act (1905)
Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants etc.) Act 2004
Borders, Citizenship and Immigration Act 2009
Care Act 2014
Children Act 1989
Children (Scotland) Act 1995
Commonwealth Immigrants Act 1962
Human Rights Act 1998
Immigration Act 2014
Immigration Act 2016
Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006
Modern Slavery Act 2015
Nationality and Borders Act 2022
Nationality Immigration and Asylum Act 2002
UK Borders Act 2007
Gezer v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2004] EWCA Civ 1730
International instruments
Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings 2005
European Convention on Human Rights 1950
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989
United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees 1951
Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948
Books, articles, reports and other sources
The Association of Directors of Children’s Services (ADCS) (2015) Age Assessment Guidance: Guidance to Assist Social Workers and Their Managers in Undertaking Age Assessments in England, October [Online]. Available at (Accessed 7 July 2018).
Chantler, K. (2012) ‘Gender, asylum seekers and mental distress: challenges for mental health social work’, The British Journal of Social Work, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 318–34.
Dennis, J. (2012) Not a Minor Offence: Unaccompanied Children Locked Up as Part of the Asylum System, May, Refugee Council [Online]. Available at (Accessed 15 January 2019).
Dyball, K., McPhie, G. and Tudor, C. (2012) Age Assessment Practice Guidance: An Age Assessment Pathway for Social Workers in Scotland, June, Glasgow, Scottish Refugee Council.
ECPAT UK (2018) Child Trafficking in the UK 2018: A Snapshot. Available at (Accessed 26 March 2021)
The Guardian (2017) ‘We slept on the buses: Britain’s homeless children’, 2 November [Online]. Available at (Accessed 10 January 2019).
Guhan, R. and Liebling-Kalifani, H. (2011) ‘The experiences of staff working with refugees and asylum seekers in the United Kingdom: a grounded theory exploration’, Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 205–28.
Hayes, D. (2013) ‘Modern migration and the creation of the refugee’, in Davies, M. (ed.) The Blackwell Companion to Social Work, 4th edn, Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell.
Kirkup, J. and Winnett, R. (2012) ‘Teresa May Interview: “We’re going to give illegal migrants a really hostile reception”’, The Telegraph, 25 May [Online]. Available at (Accessed 15 January 2019).
Larkin, R. and Maglajlic, R.A.(2019) Social Work with Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Migrants: Theory and Skills for Practice, London, Jessica Kingsley.
London Safeguarding Children Board (2009) London Safeguarding Trafficked Children Toolkit, January, for piloting [Online]. Available at (Accessed 1 October 2018).
McNicoll, A. (2015) ‘The social workers defending the rights of refugees’, Community Care, 16 September [Online]. Available at (Accessed 22 November 2018).
Refugee Council (2013) ‘Terms and definitions: Glossary of terminology relating to asylum seekers and refugees in UK’, updated May [Online]. Available at (Accessed 10 January 2018).
Refugee Council (2018a) ‘Statistics on asylum seekers and refugees’ [Online]. Available at (Accessed 22 November 2018).
Refugee Council (2018b) Tell it Like it is: The Truth about Refugees and Asylum [Online]. Available at (Accessed 15 January 2019).
Robinson, K. and Masocha, S. (2017) ‘Divergent practices in statutory and voluntary-sector settings? Social work with asylum seekers, The British Journal of Social Work, 1 July, vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 1517–33.
Scottish Government (2018a) New Scots: Refugee Integration Strategy 2018 to 2022, 10 January [Online]. Available at (Accessed 10 January 2018).
Scottish Government (2018b) Age Assessment: Practice Guidance for Scotland, March [Online]. Available at (Accessed 21 November 2018).
Scottish Parliament (2017) Hidden Lives – New Beginnings: Destitution, Asylum and Insecure Immigration Status in Scotland, 22 May, Equalities and Human Rights Committee, SP paper no. 147, 3rd report (Session 5) [Online]. Available at (Accessed 22 November 2018).
Siddiqui, H. and Patel, M. (2010) Safe and Sane: A Model of Intervention on Domestic Violence and Mental Health, Suicide and Self-harm Amongst Black and Ethnic Minority Women, London, Southall Black Sisters Trust.
Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) (2010) Good Practice in Social Care for Asylum Seekers and Refugees, report no 31, London, SCIE.