12 Final words and next steps
You are now reading the end of this Open Learn course in which you were introduced to the concept of global development as a framework for thinking and analysing global issues. The complexity underlying issues such as climate change, migration, social injustice and equality, food insecurity and poverty, require appreciating the interactions and interrelationships between many different actors and factors at multiple levels. Doing this is no easy task and use of conceptual frameworks such as PASH can both aid your analysis and provoke deeper questions.
This is the journey that awaits you should you decide to take your learning further and go on to study the Open University’s Global Development modules in full. In doing so, you will extend your knowledge and understanding of global development and the key development issues that face the world presently. You will also develop your critical thinking, analytical and reflective skills, and be well placed to contribute to the changes needed to make the world a better place for all.
This OpenLearn course is an adapted extract from the Open University course DD870 Understanding global development [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] . You might also be interested in the related OpenLearn course, DD871 Introducing key global development challenges. To find out more, explore this OpenLearn article, which includes a video explaining what you can expect to learn.