Further reading
Bateson, N. (2016) ‘Practicality in complexity [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] ’, norabateson, 2 January.
Ford, L. (2015) ‘Sustainable development goals: All you need to know’, The Guardian, 19 January.
Horner, R. (2020) ‘Towards a new paradigm of global development? Beyond the limits of international development’, Progress in Human Geography, 44(3), pp. 415-436.
Lewis, D. (2019) ‘“Big D” and “little d”: two types of twenty-first century development?’, Third World Quarterly, 40(11), pp. 1957–75.
Osterloff, E. (n.d.) ‘What is climate change and why does it matter?’ Natural History Museum.
The World Bank The Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals 2020
Weber, H. (2017) ‘Politics of “leaving no one behind”: Contesting the 2030 sustainable development goals agenda’, Globalizations, 14(3), pp. 399–414.