Society, Politics & Law
Explore the range of migrant experiences: Play Uneven Journeys
Uneven Journeys offers a new way of exploring the routes migrants take to the UK - it takes patience when one false move can put you back where you started.
Science, Maths & Technology
Global Handwashing Day
Take a look at the cultural, social and religious implications of washing hands while also learning more about the science of hygiene and sanitation.
History & The Arts
Black History Month
In recognition of Black History Month we have pulled together some content about some inspirational individuals and events for you to explore.
Education & Development
Your journey of learning and discovery with us
If you’re reading this article, it means you’re about to embark on an exciting journey of learning and discovery with us.
Society, Politics & Law
Postcards From The Past: Belfast
Comparing old and more recent photographs to see how has the coast has changed around Belfast.
Health, Sports & Psychology
Investigating a murder with forensic psychology
In this course, you’ll explore the way suspects are dealt with during a police investigation and learn about how psychology can help the police with their enquiries.
Society, Politics & Law
Jury Hub Conversation: Lee Curley, Fiona Leverick, James Chalmers
What is the ideal jury size? How can courtrooms eliminate harmful myths? Lee Curley, Fiona Leverick and James Chalmers discuss the history and findings of one of the most exciting jury research projects of recent years.
Society, Politics & Law
Sacred and secular
Leaders in the fields of religion, law and business discuss the complications when the three align in this short video series.
Science, Maths & Technology
Online mathematics discovery centre
Discover the many faces of maths with our free learning resources - including courses, videos and games.
Society, Politics & Law
Sacred and secular: Barry Bussey
Is religious doctrine still a given when it comes to rights and ethics? This video investigates that question.
Society, Politics & Law
Sacred and secular: Brett Scharffs
This video explores the corporate social responsibilities of business versus ethical beliefs.
Society, Politics & Law
Sacred and secular: Brian Grim
How stronger economy and greater innovation occurs when companies consider all religious groups.