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Results: 1370 items

The vulnerability of refugees and asylum seekers to modern slavery article icon

Society, Politics & Law

The vulnerability of refugees and asylum seekers to modern slavery

Professor Natalia Szablewska explores the drivers that make people vulnerable to modern slavery, and why refugees and asylum seekers experience a heightened risk of exploitation.

5 mins
Rwanda: an open and shut case? article icon

Society, Politics & Law

Rwanda: an open and shut case?

The UK Government’s plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda for processing has dominated the news in recent months. The main area of contention has centred on the question of whether Rwanda can be considered a safe country. This article considers how this question was decided by the UK’s Supreme Court and why that decision did not ultimately ...

5 mins
Heroes and villains: the presentation of the outlaw in early twentieth-century American folk music article icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

Heroes and villains: the presentation of the outlaw in early twentieth-century American folk music

This article will consider how the figure of the outlaw is presented in early twentieth-century American folk music. What is constant, and what changes? What lies behind these strands of imitation and innovation?

5 mins
Diary of a new Life Peer article icon

Society, Politics & Law

Diary of a new Life Peer

In 2024, Carmen Smith became the youngest person ever to be appointed as a life peer in the House of Lords, as Baroness Smith of Llanfaes. Here, she recounts what being nominated and then taking up her seat was like. What did the process involve? Who did she meet along the way? And what does she hope to accomplish as a member of the House of Lords?

5 mins
Dyddiadur Barwnes am Oes Newydd article icon

Society, Politics & Law

Dyddiadur Barwnes am Oes Newydd

Yn 2024, Carmen Smith oedd y person ieuengaf erioed i gael ei phenodi'n farwnes am oes yn Nhŷ'r Arglwyddi, fel y Farwnes Smith o Lanfaes. Yma, mae hi'n sôn am sut beth oedd cael ei henwebu a chymryd ei sedd wedyn. Sut broses oedd hi? Pwy wnaeth hi gyfarfod ar hyd y ffordd? A beth mae hi'n gobeithio ei gyflawni fel aelod o Dŷ'r Arglwyddi?

5 mins
Policing practice and leadership collection icon

Society, Politics & Law

Policing practice and leadership

Grow your knowledge and understanding of policing with this collection of free learning resources, bought to you by the Department for Policing at The Open University.

Bun-chùrsa mu bhith a’ dèanamh atharrachadh poilitigeach is sòisealta free course icon level 1: introductory icon

Society, Politics & Law

Bun-chùrsa mu bhith a’ dèanamh atharrachadh poilitigeach is sòisealta

Written in a moment of multiple crises – environmental, economic, political, social and health-related – ‘An Introduction to making political and social change’ gives you a grounding in some of the key citizenship skills and information you will need to intervene in the world as it changes around you. This free course explores how you can make ...

Free course
10 hrs
Jury Hub Conversation: Hayley Ness, Lee Curley article icon

Society, Politics & Law

Jury Hub Conversation: Hayley Ness, Lee Curley

Why does jury research matter? How can jurors and judges prepare for their tasks? What are the challenges of jury research?Hayley Ness talks to Lee Curley.

25 mins
Sanctuary Tales: Fighting Speciesism One Animal at a Time video icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

Sanctuary Tales: Fighting Speciesism One Animal at a Time

In this film about a Norfolk animal sanctuary, we meet some of the animals who live there and the people who care for them.

15 mins
I run mock trials to research the legal system. The bias shown in Channel 4’s The Jury: Murder Trial is a very real problem article icon

Society, Politics & Law

I run mock trials to research the legal system. The bias shown in Channel 4’s The Jury: Murder Trial is a very real problem

For researchers, the Channel 4 show findings come as no surprise. Discover more in Lee Curley's analysis.

5 mins
Global challenges in practice: designing a development intervention free course icon level 2: intermediate icon

Money & Business

Global challenges in practice: designing a development intervention

This free short course addresses the key elements of designing a development intervention. Its approach to ‘doing development’ will be value led rather than technical. There is a wealth of material teaching a technical approach to development intervention. This course seeks to shift the balance back to a value based approach to doing development...

Free course
12 hrs
International relations: exploring territorial divisions free course icon level 3: advanced icon

Society, Politics & Law

International relations: exploring territorial divisions

In this short taster course, drawn from part 1 of the MA in International Relations (D818), you will be introduced to the idea of international division, focusing on territory. Divisions over territory have often lied at the heart of global problems like conflict, and in the following pages you will learn about the roots of some of the lines on ...

Free course
3 hrs