The Change Management Competency Course is divided into three levels.
Please read the course overview to find out more about each level, the time expectation and course assessment.
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The Change Management Competency Course has been produced as a short self-study online course for TIDE participants and others in Myanmar and more widely, who are interested in learning about how to support change at different levels within the Higher
Education sector. Whilst the materials are focussed on the Education Sector and on Myanmar as a country the principles introduced are likely to be of wider interest and relevance. The study materials have been produced as a series of video
files, which are embedded here but can also be viewed on YouTube or, where available, downloaded.
The overall aim of this short online course is to support the development of a ‘golden thread’ of core competences that will enable those who complete it to gain the knowledge, insights and confidence needed to become effective agents and champions of change.
TIDE project enriched distance learning in Myanmar by building the capacity of Higher Education staff and students, enhancing programmes of study, and strengthening systems that support Higher Educational Institutions (HEI) in Myanmar. TIDE was part of the UK-Aid-funded Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education Innovation and Reform (SPHEIR) programme ( SPHEIR is managed on behalf of FCDO by a consortium led by the British Council that includes PwC and Universities UK International. The TIDE project closed in May 2021. |
This course is part of a collection of courses called TIDE Collection Home. There is 1 course in this collection so you may find other courses here that maybe of interest to you.
Level 1:
Familiarity with the context for change in the HE sector in Myanmar and developed initial understanding into what is involved in becoming an effective change manager.
Level 2:
Awareness and development of a set of core competences needed for becoming an effective change agent.
Level 3 pathway 1:
Understand how to introduce new practices within your University.
Level 3 pathway 2:
Understand how to influence policy and reform at the national level.
Course dates:
First Published 27/08/2019.
Updated 28/05/2021
The Change Management Competency Course is divided into three levels.
Please read the course overview to find out more about each level, the time expectation and course assessment.
Level 1 provides an overview that sets out the reform context and identifies the need for effective change management. Some key theory related to change management is also introduced along with some tips on how to be effective in managing change. The main Level 1 learning outcome is as follows:
Level 1 course material comprises the following two narrated presentations. There is no quiz associated with this Level but you are encouraged to organise your 'self-study' process.
The first presentation introduces the policy context for the Education Sector in Myanmar. It also introduces some of the ideas emerging in late 2020 related to the National Education Strategic Plan under discussion for the next decade (2021-2030). The importance of supporting change at different levels within institutions and through national level transformation and reform is stressed. The presentation sets out the scene for change management in Myanmar and identify some of the capacity development needs for change agents.
The second presentation explores the question of how to go about delivering successful change. Many change processes are mismanaged and often people managing the process do not understand the complexity involved, and this can result in expensive failures. The roles of change agent and change champion are introduced, and some essential competences needed for these roles are identified. The presentation covers important theory as well as providing a helpful animation giving tips for effective change.
Level 2 presents ten ‘masterclasses’ each of which contributes to the development of different competences that are relevant to effective change management in the 21st century. These ‘masterclasses’ each standalone as short courses with their own individual learning outcomes, and they may be used separately to develop understanding of specific competences. Within the context of this course collectively they contribute to the following Level 2 learning outcome:
Note that you can study the masterclasses in any order, though a suggested sequence is presented in the online structuring of the course material.
Level 2 has a multiple-choice quiz that covers the content of all ten masterclasses. You need to achieve at least 60% success in this quiz, but don’t worry as you can retake the test and develop your knowledge to the required level.
This masterclass covers the core elements required to be in place for a change project to be successful. If any of the five core elements are missing, then the project will not deliver successful change and it explains the residual outcome of the project, depending which element is missing. It explains why planning a change project to have these core elements in place prior to commencement is so important.
This masterclass covers the reasons and benefits of why understanding a range of different stakeholders is so important to managing change. It also begins to address why different stakeholder segment groups require a range of management approaches to maintain interest in any change project in order to demonstrate successful progress and implementation.
This masterclass covers what would be needed in order to develop robust questionnaires for surveying a range of stakeholders. From development of questions to launch and evaluation.
This masterclass covers core elements of critical thinking in order to be more effective when working with complex ideas and within complex systems.
This masterclass covers a range of ideas about why working within systems rather than silos, is so challenging. It explores what systems are, why their component parts require active recognition and management, and also the implications from working within systems in relation to the wide ranging ramifications on interdependent areas of work.
This masterclass introduces the case study, a research method involving an up-close, in-depth, and detailed examination of a particular case. Case studies are useful because they are a vehicle to share good practice with others, to show different ways of working and to support change implementation. The context is what makes every case study interesting and unique.
This masterclass covers aims to provide change agents with information need to support the development and introducing of digital technologies to support education. It raises awareness of some of the benefits and challenges in ‘going digital’ and draws attention to key considerations that change agents need to be aware of when introducing use of digital technology to support education.
This masterclass explains what employer engagement is, why it is important, and the different ways it can happen. It looks at establishing good employer relationship management in order to build mutually beneficial and lasting relationships between higher education institutions and employers.
This masterclass covers the difference between coaching and mentoring, and also why both approaches are so important in a personal and professional development journey.
This masterclass covers how to enhance your leadership skills to be more strategically productive from a level of leadership. It also looks at Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People to help apply some core skills in practice.
When you have completed viewing the ten masterclasses, please attempt the short quiz that follows. You can reattempt the quiz questions but will need to secure a mark of 60% on this Level 2 test in order to gain a statement of participation for the course when you have also completed the Level 3 material and related quiz.
The goal of Level 3 is to help change agents develop ideas on how to apply their competences within the Education sector and ‘make change happen’, either at the management level within an institution or at the level of national policy reform. It is comprised two pathways: What Managers Need to Know and Influencing Higher Education Reform. You should complete both pathways and associated quizzes.
Both pathways build on the competences introduced in Level 2 and support you in developing ideas on how to apply change management skills within the Education sector, either at the management level within an institution or at the level of national policy reform.
For each pathway along with four session presentations the following material is provided:
an end of course quiz, which you can retake and which has a pass mark of 60%.
Pathway 1: What managers need to know to introduce new approaches successfully.
This pathway introduces four new approaches and ways of doing things that are relevant for change managers seeking to influence institutional reform focussing in particular on the way things are done in Myanmar Universities.
The learning outcomes for Level 3 Pathway 1 are:
This approach explores how the quality of distance education can be improved through the introduction of curriculum that are responsive to the needs of the growing Myanmar economy. The session introduces discussion of curriculum design.
This second approach explores how distance education teaching and learning can be more interesting, dynamic and applied. This is done through looking at different types of activities that can engage students in their own learning.
The third approach discusses how to make graduates of distance education more employable, focussing on developing employability skills, most especially competences. The development of a competency framework can guide teachers in building competences in their students.
The final approach looks at what employer engagement is and how Myanmar Universities might approach and benefit from it, in order to provide the human capital needed to support industry and business and the research and innovation needed to transform the economy.
Please answer the following questions for the Level 3, Pathway 1 quiz. You have an unlimited number of opportunities to retake each question but must achieve 60% overall to successfully complete the quiz.
Pathway 2: Influencing National Level Policy Reform and System Transformation for the Higher Education Sector
This pathway comprises four sessions, the first of which discusses policymaking and the context for National and institutional level reform in Myanmar. The three sessions that follow focus on specific case examples. These sessions seek to provide the Change Agent with insights into each of the themes selected that will help them as they consider reform options and what would need to be done in these areas in order to introduce National or institutional level reform.
The learning outcomes for Level 3, Pathway 2 are:
The first session for this pathway provides an introduction to policy making covering some of the theory and discussing with the help of an example how policy can be influenced and introducing the idea of the ‘policy entrepreneur’. The presentation goes on to explore the context for policy making in Myanmar in 2020 and identifies some emerging priorities for high level policy reform in the Higher Education Sector.
This session focusses on how an Open Education policy could contribute to an overall goal of developing lifelong learning in Myanmar. The material examines the concepts of lifelong learning and open education, and then goes on to discuss how a change agent could develop a case for an Open Education polity identifying some of the benefits and potential challenges involved in introducing and implementing such a policy.
This session explores the very important theme of inclusion, which connects with the international agenda goals to provide ‘Education for All’. The material looks at the role of inclusion within Higher Education and discusses what needs to be considered when thinking about an supporting inclusion within a Higher Education Institution.
The final session in this pathway explores how digital platforms can be used for teaching and learning and provides advice for the change agent to support the use of such platforms within a Higher Education Institution. It goes on to discuss the development of policy relating for Higher Education Institutions to support the introduction and use of teaching and learning platforms.
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This course is made available under CC BY 4.0: Transformation by Innovation in Distance Education (TIDE)
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