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Results: 155 courses
  • 1 Core Concepts

    1 Core Concepts

    Engaging all members, voices and opinions within a community is vitally important when developing solutions to social and environmental challenges the community face. This unit discusses the core concepts behind how you engage with your wider community or engage with another community to identify solutions. The most effective community solutions are ones that benefit the community, are fair and do not impact negatively on the environment. The aims of this unit are to introduce the following: how to follow an action learning approach to engagement and management; why community engagement is important and approaches to successful engagement; the concept of community owned solutions; and how to determine impact.

  • 2 Participatory Techniques

    2 Participatory Techniques

    Participatory techniques are particularly important when engaging with your community or another community. They allow all voices, opinions and practices to be shared from all different sections of the community.

  • 5 Community Monitoring

    5 Community Monitoring

    Community monitoring is monitoring developed and carried out by communities themselves. Widespread participation of community members is encouraged in the design, execution, reporting and evaluation of the monitoring programme (discussed in Unit 4). The aims of this unit are to introduce the benefits of using a community approach when developing a monitoring programme and to provide guidance on how to plan, act, observe and evaluate it.

  • 6 Community Wetland Management

    6 Community Wetland Management

    Water and wetlands are fundamental to life. How we interact with them and the management approaches we adopt can impact our health and well-being, and the environment. Community management is the implementation of a management approach that provides a solution to social and environmental challenges the community faces. It is developed and carried out by a community themselves. Identifying the most robust community management approaches is important. We call these approaches community owned solutions as they benefit the community, are fair and do not impact negatively on the environment. The aims of this unit are to examine our relationship with water and wetlands, to introduce community management, discuss how to identify community owned solutions and look at how to implement and evaluate community owned solutions.

  • 7 Integrating community monitoring and management into frameworks of policy and management

    7 Integrating community monitoring and management into frameworks of policy and management

    The aims of this unit are to provide guidance on how to successfully engage with policy makers to enable community management and monitoring findings to be used in policy and management frameworks and decision making. It is appropriate for both community members and institutional staff.

  • Academics Abroad

    Academics Abroad

    Understanding academic considerations before studying abroad at the University of San Diego.

  • Addysg gynhwysol: deall yr hyn a olygwn

    Addysg gynhwysol: deall yr hyn a olygwn

    Ni waeth pa ysgol y byddwch yn eich canfod eich hun ynddi, bydd y ffordd y mae'n ymdrin ag addysg gynhwysol yn ffactor bwysig wrth bennu diwylliant ei hamgylchedd dysgu ac addysgu.

  • Analyser votre contexte pour TPD@Scale

    Analyser votre contexte pour TPD@Scale

    Dans le cours 3, vous commencerez à analyser votre contexte pour le développement professionnel des enseignants avec TPD@Scale.

  • An Introduction to Inclusive Education

    An Introduction to Inclusive Education

    An Introduction to Inclusive Education set within the context of Scottish education

  • An introduction to leadership for school governors (Wales)

    An introduction to leadership for school governors (Wales)

    This free course, An Introduction to Leadership for Governors, provides a brief introduction to the field of educational leadership. This Badged Open Course is part of a collection of training resources for school governors in Wales.

  • A practical guide to UK human rights and discrimination law

    A practical guide to UK human rights and discrimination law

    This course has been designed to give a practical introduction to UK human rights and discrimination law.

  • Astronomy for Development

    Astronomy for Development

    This course is designed to provide a helping hand to anyone who intends to submit an application to the OAD Call for Proposals. It provides a brief introduction to Astronomy for Development and introduces the participant to the OAD project cycle, from needs analysis to monitoring and evaluation.

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