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This course explores how to manage classrooms using principles of learner-centred education as part of a school-based continuing professional development programme for Africa.
This course explores inclusive teaching strategies as part of a school-based continuing professional development programme for Africa.
This course explores formative assessment in classrooms as part of a school-based continuing professional development programme for Africa.
This course continues to explore managing and supporting learner-centred classrooms with specific resources as part of a school-based continuing professional development programme for Africa.
This course explores how you can support reading and writing across the curriculum as part of a school-based continuing professional development programme for Africa.
This course explores how you can reflect on your practice to improve ways of working as part of a school-based continuing professional development programme for Africa.
This course explores how you can support numeracy across the curriculum in your lessons as part of a school-based continuing professional development programme for Africa.
This course is part of an SBCPD programme developed in Zambia in collaboration with the Ministry of General Education, supported by The Open University (UK) and World Vision Zambia, and funded by The Scottish Government.
Ni waeth pa ysgol y byddwch yn eich canfod eich hun ynddi, bydd y ffordd y mae'n ymdrin ag addysg gynhwysol yn ffactor bwysig wrth bennu diwylliant ei hamgylchedd dysgu ac addysgu.
This is the HEAT Module on Adolescent and Youth Reproductive Health.
In a series of online and face-to-face talks, known as the Ageing Well Public Talks, we have been exploring how important it is, over our lifespan, to maintain a well-balanced nutrition and hydration as well as regular physical and social activity in the older age. The principles discussed during these series of talks are known as the 'Five Pillars of Ageing Well'. These are: Nutrition, Hydration, Physical activity, Social and Cognitive stimulation.
Ce cours transmet les compétences de base pour engager une réduction de l’impact climatique de son alimentation de façon pérenne et personnalisée.
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