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Mirjam 2011

Mirjam Hauck Post 1

8 August 2014, 10:56 AM

Depuis/ pendant/ il y a/ en/pour

Please use this thread for any exchanges on "Depuis/ pendant/ il y a/ en/pour".

Mavis Chapman Post 2 in reply to 1

22 August 2014, 1:27 PM

A question about using depuis:

I know it is used with the present tense, but can you use it as in

Blackboard Collaborate a changé un peu depuis l'année derniere

Sorry, I only thought about this after the online session had finished.



Anne Lebailly Post 3 in reply to 2

24 August 2014, 11:23 AM Edited by the author on 24 August 2014, 11:25 AM

Bonjour Mavis,

Votre question est vraiment intéressante.

What you imply with that sentence is that Blackboard collaborate is not changing anymore. If it was it would be:

Blackboard Collaborate change depuis l'année dernière.

I will give you other examples :

J'ai déménagé 2 fois depuis que j'habite en Angleterre OR J'ai déménagé 2 fois depuis mon arrivée en Angleterre.

I moved twice but I am not moving anymore.

Je suis allée 6 fois en France depuis 6 mois. Going to France is also something that can't keep going on. Not like: J'habite en France depuis 6 mois.

I hope that clarifies the point you were making.

Bonne continuation,


Mavis Chapman Post 4 in reply to 3

24 August 2014, 1:58 PM

Bonjour Anne

Merci de votre réponse.

Sorry, I'm still a little confused - What I meant was:

"Blackboard Collaborate had changed a bit since last year". (That's why I had problems finding the microphone icon.) So would I say "Blackboard Collaborate change depuis l'année dernière."?


Christine Salveta Post 5 in reply to 4

25 August 2014, 11:37 AM

Bonjour Anne,

I'm glad Mavis has written this because I would have written exactly the same "Blackboard Collaborate a changé un peu depuis l'année derniere" - meaning Blackboard Collaborate has changed a bit since last year. This maybe a miscomprehension from mu school days?



Anne Lebailly Post 6 in reply to 5

25 August 2014, 12:46 PM

I expect I would also have written:
Blackboard collaborate a un peu changé depuis l'année dernière. Meaning that is done and dusted. Un peu gives the sense of finshed.

But If we were writing about a child changing as it grows older:

Paul change depuis l'année dernière. he is still changing.

Hopefully that helps.

Bien cordialement,


Christine Salveta Post 7 in reply to 6

25 August 2014, 5:55 PM

Oui - merci beaucoup - c'est un peu mieux clair maintenant.


Mavis Chapman Post 8 in reply to 6

26 August 2014, 12:36 PM

Merci bien , Anne
