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A scam is a dishonest or fraudulent scheme, usually with the aim of taking money from the victim. Examples include a person pretending to sell items which they never deliver or taking money for a service they will not provide. Another word for a scam is a hoax.


Scanning involves looking quickly down the page to locate relevant words, phrases or images that you are interested in. This will help you to decide whether you should read further and how useful the website or document might be.


Screencasts are video recordings or transmissions of data displayed on the screen of a computer or mobile device, typically with accompanying audio.

Search engine

A search engine is a programme that enables users to find information on the World Wide Web.

Search operators

Punctuation or characters that you can use in a search engine query to narrow or widen the focus of your search.


A selfie is a self-portrait in the format of a digital photograph, most commonly taken with a camera or mobile phone held at arm’s length. Posting selfies is a popular pastime with users of social networking sites like Facebook and Instagram.


A built-in ‘personal assistant’ computer programme on Apple devices (iPhones, iPads and iPods) that enables users to speak voice commands in order to operate the mobile device and its apps.


Skimming a text involves getting an indication of the scope of the information, looking at the first sentence of each paragraph to see what it’s about and noting the key points in any summaries.

Social Media

The blanket term for online sites and applications which allow a large number of users to interact and share information digitally, for example social networking sites like Facebook or Twitter or media sharing sites such as YouTube.

Social networking

In this context, the use of internet-based social media sites and applications to connect with friends, family, colleague and other personal contacts.


Or synchronise - link all your computers and mobile devices together so that you can easily access your information from anywhere.


Or sync – link all your computers and mobile devices together so that you can easily access your information from anywhere.

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