6 Summary

This week you have looked at the area of digital identity and how to ensure your digital footprint reflects you in the best light. You have:

  • reviewed your own digital footprint
  • considered how you can keep control of your digital identity in a world of open online resources and sharing
  • thought about the elements of good communication online
  • identified some steps to help you present yourself well online and improve your digital profile.

You have learned:

  • what is meant by digital identity, digital footprint and digital citizenship
  • why digital identity and footprint is important, particularly for employment purposes
  • the benefits of digital citizenship.

In the next week you will look more closely at e-safety, security and other aspects of digital well-being. You will also learn how to stay within the law when using other people’s original work, and how you can protect your rights when sharing your own material online.

Now continue to Week 4 [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .

5 This week’s quiz