Session 3 The AgriLink approach to Living Labs

Now that you have learned about Living Labs and Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems in the first two sessions we turn to how we approached the design and delivery of our Living Labs in this third session.
First watch the following video before moving on to the next section.

In the six AgriLink Living Labs, researchers, farmers, advisors, and other actors worked together to develop and test innovation support tools and services. The Living Labs had common elements, but varied in context and challenge across the different European countries.
As a result, there were differences in the innovation process they experienced. A diversity of supporting tools and techniques were used that met the needs of the specific processes used in each Living Lab to determine and develop their innovation service.
In AgriLink, our approach built on the principles of design thinking, systems thinking, and reflexive monitoring in order to test out and put into practice the five key characteristics of Living Labs - real-life setting, co-creation, end-user involvement, multiple tools, and multi-stakeholder participation.
Now go to the next section.