4 Summary of Unit 1

In Unit 1 you have considered why sustainable pedagogies are considered important and the competencies that sustainable pedagogies are designed to facilitate students to develop. You have read summaries of publications that take sustainable development seriously and recognise that education has a huge role to play in encouraging students to develop the skills and knowledge they will need to flourish in an uncertain future.

You will have seen that many people recognise that working collaboratively and co-operatively, and drawing on different perspectives and voices from across the generations are vital aspects of a patchwork quilt-like range of skills that students need to develop. Local and global learning and connections can be made and as a ‘quilter’ or leader of learning, these experiences can be stitched together into an understandable and harmonious whole, and mutual understanding and respect is generated. The true inclusion sustainability demands, involves respecting all perspectives and such respect is something that can be learned.


Read more about quilted storying in:

  • Ritchie, J., Phillips, L.G., Brock, C. et al. (2023) ‘Teaching and Learning in COVID-19: Pandemic Quilt Storying’, International Review of Qualitative Research. Available at: https://doi.org/ 10.1177/ 19408447231169069 [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] (Accessed 28 November 2023).

Unit 1 cards

There are Sustainable pedagogies cards at the end of each unit that encapsulate key learning points from each unit and they will be used at the end of the course. There is an onscreen version below and also a print-friendly PDF download for you to keep and print out if you wish to.

Click/tap each card below to reveal the text.

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One of the important skills that will enable students to live sustainably in the world is that of developing empathy and compassion for others.

You will find out more about this in Unit 2: Learning sustainably through care and compassion.

3.2 BERA’s manifesto advocates…

Further reading