Unit 3: Participation in sustainable pedagogies


Welcome to Unit 3 of Sustainable pedagogies.

In the last unit you were introduced to ideas around compassion as a pedagogy. This unit will extend these ideas to explore the notion of sustainable pedagogies involving learners as meaningful participants.

The unit starts by exploring what is meant by participation in educational settings.

Remember, to obtain your digital badge, you must have posted a contribution to at least one forum discussion in Units 1–7 and one of the forum discussions in Unit 8. You must also have completed the quiz at the end of Week 5 and scored at least 80%.

The items labelled ‘Explore’, which have the binoculars icon beside them, are optional and are offered for those who want to explore the ideas being discussed further.

Next go to Unit 3 learning outcomes [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .

Unit 3 learning outcomes