Unit 5: Transdisciplinarity
Welcome to Unit 5 of Sustainable pedagogies.
In this unit, you will see how transdisciplinarity can be considered central to sustainable pedagogies. Transdisciplinarity requires a different way of thinking about how most knowledge and skills are divided into disciplines. These disciplines can be in danger of acting as silos if considered strictly bounded. Working across those traditional disciplines can add a great deal to the skills and understanding that students (and indeed all learners) develop.
Transdisciplinarity works with the other sustainable pedagogies discussed in the course to establish a learning environment where students can explore the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to live sustainably in the world.
At the end of this unit, there will be a short quiz on the ideas you have studied in Units 1–5.
You will need to score 80% or more on this quiz as well as posting to at least one forum discussion in Units 1–7 and one of the two assessed forum discussions in Unit 8, in order to be awarded a digital badge for this course.
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