Unit 2 learning outcomes

By the end of this unit you will have:

  • Understood more about pedagogies of compassion and reflected on its three main learning spaces.
  • Considered and written about how pedagogies of compassion can be used in your context.
  • Worked collaboratively to plan how professional development sessions could work with your colleagues.

Activity planner

ActivityTaskTiming (minutes)

Reflect on the three learning spaces in pedagogies of compassion.

  • Write a 200-word post.
  • Add a post to the forum discussion and comment on other’s posts.

Consider your practice in light of learning about compassionate pedagogies:

  • Make detailed notes in your learning journal.
  • Consider the place of compassion in sustainable pedagogies – write a forum discussion post.

Make a plan for evaluating current practices for sustainability and introducing new practices.

  • Post comments to the forum discussion and comment on other posts.