1 Why compassion?
Compassionate pedagogies are those where teaching and interactions with students and colleagues are based on consideration, respect and kindness and are followed through by actions and practices that alleviate suffering and promote wellbeing. UNESCO (2014) calls for a re-orientation of education towards sustainable development for all and states that the education for sustainable development (ESD) envisioned by UNESCO can be characterised as being underpinned by an ethic of compassionate concern for wellbeing and the common good (UNESCO, 2014). ESD is holistic in nature, seeking to draw out a range of compassionate competencies and qualities that encompass knowledge and understanding, skills and values from all students.
Reflect on what you think about when you think about compassion.
Why do you think compassion is a useful idea in thinking about sustainability? What drawbacks do you see in using the term?
Make a note of your thoughts in a way that invites you to extend these as you work in this course.
Unit 2 learning outcomes