Using the forums
Our Sustainable pedagogies badged course forums [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] are an online discussion area where you will be invited to post comments on a topic and respond to comments made by other people. You will be asked to contribute to this forum regularly throughout the course. When you are directed to use the forum as part of an activity, look for the discussion that is titled with the corresponding week and activity number.
Please be aware that we may wish to reuse some of your forum contributions , anonymously, in future sessions of this course as examples of good practice. Email if you wish to opt out of this.
To reply to a post: Click the title of a discussion in the forum to read the posts. To reply to a post, click ‘Reply’. You can edit your post up to 30 minutes after posting it – this allows you to correct spelling mistakes, for example, or amend the tone of your post if you think it could be misinterpreted.
To add an image: First make sure you have saved the image file to your computer, and then click on the image icon (an image of a mountain and sun) and select ‘Browse repositories...’. Click on ‘Browse’ so that you can locate and upload the image. Once you have selected your image, give it a description and click ‘Save image’. The image will then be applied to your post. Please ensure that you are only using images that are copyright-cleared.
To add audio: To add your post as an audio, drag and drop a .mp3 file into the attachment area.
To link to a post: Click ‘Permalink’ to obtain the web address for a specific post.
To delete a post: If the forum allows you to delete your post (for example, it is within the 30-minute edit period), click the ‘Delete post’ button. The post will remain in position but the content will be removed.
To search the forum: Use the ‘Search this forum’ box within the navigation bar at the top of each page in the forum.
To navigate: Use the ‘crumb trail’ at the top of each page in the forum to return to the forum home page. The format is: Module home page > Forum home page > Discussion.
Acceptable conduct
Please ensure that you treat all other users with respect in any comments you make, and think carefully about how others might react to what you have written. You must also ensure you do not post images of children – such as students from your classrooms – in this forum.
Here are a few tips for making valuable contributions to the online forum:
- make the title of your post relevant and helpful
- only use images that are copyright-cleared if you are not using you own for any reason
- if you referring to or using text or images taken from elsewhere, make the source clear
- avoid using sarcasm, as this can be easily misinterpreted
- stay on topic
- be concise
- use appropriate language.
Activities and tools